To me the world has always looked interesting. My earliest memories were of living in East LA and watching my dad catch sea urchins when we went to Palos Verdes. I watched my best friend's brother climb palm trees to get coconuts, which we turned into masks. I even liked to look over the fence in our backyard at the San Bernardino Freeway, thinking it went on forever.
I took my first photo of a horse drawn cart in Mexico when I was 9. It was soft and full of motion. Seeds were planted. High school journalism gave me more reasons to shoot. Even better, it got me out of class. Better still, it made it easy to meet girls.
I started out shooting food. It was the only way I could get a rep. Gradaully, I worked my way into shooting everything else. So I guess I'm eclectic. But there is a thread that runs through my work. A way of looking at things. After all, I'm using the same eyes that have found the world interesting from day one. And I'm still looking. Still enjoying finding the cool things around me and feeling lucky about it.